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Becoming an Orchestra

corporate workshop

The orchestra, a business like no other?

We often draw a parallel between business and orchestra. To fully understand what’s actually the link — how an orchestra works, or what a conductor does on his podium — one should be able to become a «musician for a day» , and experience a real rehearsal from the inside….

musical team building workshop offers exactly this: a real-life setting, allowing each member of your team to become a “temporary” musician, and thus actively understand, from the inside, the importance of listening, mutual trust and respect for each other's role.

Everyone has to play the same score, and each person has a specific role to play in it. You must therefore find your bearings, listen to and understand the others, in order to know when and how to play your part.

And once the orchestra is formed, and the score rehearsed… How does the conductor – the lead – transmit a specific interpretation? How can they intervene in a functional and in(ter)dependent group?

So many questions answered by this workshop which, through a musical experience that illustrates the fascinating world of the orchestra and its direction, allows each participant to deeply confront their own relational mechanisms, the stance they tend to take in a group – and for the whole group to improve their group performance, by working together.

“As an orchestra”, indeed.


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